Acordei with a big smile in my face.
Não importa why.... fellings and energy.
Yeap positive energy.
And now?
Banheira and books.
Feira do livro ai vou eu :-)
Mais do que palavras importa sentires. Estou assim :-)
Agradecida por mais um dia em que EU decido!
Viver um dia de cada vez em consciência.
Rodape 1: As palavras são importantes quando sentidas. De outra forma geram comportamentos irreais e tantas vezes hipocritas. Tudo depende das energias. Não esqueçam energias negativas atraem energias negativas. Energias positivas geram energias positivas.
Rodape 2: Nop, não se trata de frase feita!
6 comentários:
Glad to see you happy :)
I, on the other hand am finding difficulty in using the "Energias positivas geram energias positivas". I do believe it, but with the current recent events in my life, well.. I just don't know how to go about it... at least not to tackle those events...
Book Fair... might go there one of these days myself..
PS: Go have that massage you mentioned some days ago, I did, in labour's day, and it was amazing :)
PPS: You do "rodapé's" I do "PS"'s ;)
PPPS: You still get the award of most ones in a single post ;)
Não defino como estando happy, estou mais em equilibrio e a compartimentar... para não me passar... exige e esforço diário, espero manter
Sem pretensão de pretender dar-te conselhos... procura visualizar os problems.. "events in your life, as you said, como se não fossem teus... à distância... não é um exercicio fácil mas ajuda a perspectivar... (entendes?) e sei, que nem sempre se consegue, comigo vai resultado
PS / PPS / PPPS :-) gostei :-)))
Pretende à vontade ;) os conselhos oferecem-se, depois cabe a quem os recebe saber se ou como os usar, por isso estás à vontade :)
Now let me go right ahead and call you crazy - the idea here is to make you feel at ease to call me crazy back... (you'll see...)
Yes, I do get it... trying to put yourself outside of yourself, as another person. I've often thought (even said maybe, not sure) that sometimes, when you're not doing or feeling how you believe you should (and if you're the type of person that can be great to others, but forgets about yourself, in some things), you should try to make 2 people out of yourself.. the 1st one being the one that feels, acts, etc; the 2nd one being your friend and giving advice as to how to deal with a situation, etc... So, I guess, I kind'a think when in need you should have multiple personality........... ok, so this is the place to call me crazy (well, at least here...) :)
Still, I wouldn't really know what to say, or maybe I do, but no solution that I would then like to really use... and that was my problem... nevertheless I'll probably use one...
And also got some interesting advice from 1 other person (everyone else only said what I already expected anyway...).
Well, situations come and go, and I'll continue to be here whatever the way I'll choose to deal with it. :)
Keep that positive energy! The sun is shinning everyday!
Even when cloudy, the sun is shinning, you just need to get above the clouds... ;)
I´m crazy, I know that... so nothing new!
The idea of imagine a conversation bettween two persons... me and myself... doesn´t seems crazy, not at all....it seems very heatlhy.
In life there´s no magical solutions or easy ways. We all need to be as better and happy as we can.
Yeap, the sun is shinning everyday.
And I love it
"Be happy. But most important be you"
And now I call you crazy.
Hi :)
You're funny :)
Will keep working on that... :)
PS: I still think it is kind'a crazy to separate one self into 2 to talk to yourself...
PPS: But that's just my opinion...
PPPS: And, I do respect your different opinion...
PPPPS: Yes... I really meant your crazy opinion :P
PPPPPS: But I don't mind acting a little crazy... sometimes... :)
Amiga, vou discordar. Nada tem de "crazy".
Essa tua capacidade de te observares a ti própria, de te criticares, de compartimentares (como costumas dizer), de dialogares contigo própria, de ti para ti, fazem de ti a pessoa saudável que és.
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